These Best 20 SEO Experts Will Drastically Increase Organic Traffic

Updated on 27th June, 2024: Thank you for showing so much love to this post. I feel grateful (Joining Hands Indian Style). This is one of the most-read blogs. I am an independent SEO writer, published author, and personal branding expert who helps individuals nurture their online/digital presence. See my portfolio here: Thank you :) :)

  1. Neil Patel: Neil Patel is a renowned entrepreneur, digital marketer, and analytics expert. He co-founded Crazy Egg, Hello Bar, and KISSmetrics, offering invaluable insights through his blog and podcast. Patel’s expertise lies in SEO, content marketing, and conversion optimization, making him a sought-after speaker and consultant in the industry.

2. Gary Vaynerchuk: Known for his dynamic personality and entrepreneurial spirit, Gary Vaynerchuk is a leading figure in digital marketing. He’s the chairman of VaynerX, a media and communications company, and VaynerMedia, a full-service digital agency. Vaynerchuk’s foresight into emerging trends and his emphasis on social media marketing have earned him a massive following and cemented his status as a digital marketing icon.

3. Rand Fishkin: As the co-founder of Moz and SparkToro, Rand Fishkin is a prominent figure in the SEO and inbound marketing community. His expertise in search engine optimization and digital marketing strategy has made him a respected author and speaker. Fishkin’s insights into the ever-evolving landscape of online marketing have helped countless businesses navigate their digital presence successfully.

4. Ann Handley: Ann Handley is a pioneer in content marketing, renowned for her witty and insightful writing style. She’s the Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs, a leading marketing education company, and the best-selling author of “Everybody Writes” and “Content Rules.” Handley’s emphasis on storytelling and creating valuable content has influenced marketers worldwide, earning her accolades as one of the top digital marketing experts.

5. Larry Kim: Larry Kim is a serial entrepreneur and digital marketing expert, best known for founding WordStream and MobileMonkey. His expertise in pay-per-click advertising and social media marketing has led to numerous speaking engagements and accolades. Kim’s innovative approach to digital advertising has helped countless businesses optimize their campaigns for maximum ROI.

6. Seth Godin: Seth Godin is a prolific author, entrepreneur, and marketing guru known for his groundbreaking ideas in permission marketing and building tribes. He’s the author of several best-selling books, including “Purple Cow” and “The Dip.” Godin’s insights into consumer behavior and market trends have shaped modern marketing strategies and inspired countless entrepreneurs worldwide.

7. Avinash Kaushik: Avinash Kaushik is a leading authority on web analytics and digital marketing strategy. As Google’s Digital Marketing Evangelist, he’s known for his influential blog, Occam’s Razor, and his books “Web Analytics 2.0” and “Digital Marketing Evangelist.” Kaushik’s analytical approach to digital marketing has helped businesses leverage data effectively to drive actionable insights and improve online performance.

8. Jay Baer: Jay Baer is a renowned marketing strategist, speaker, and author, specializing in customer experience and content marketing. He’s the founder of Convince & Convert, a digital marketing consultancy, and the author of best-selling books like “Youtility” and “Hug Your Haters.” Baer’s expertise lies in helping businesses create remarkable customer experiences and leverage content to build loyalty and trust.

9. Amy Porterfield: Amy Porterfield is a leading expert in online marketing and course creation, known for her expertise in social media marketing and list building. She’s the host of the “Online Marketing Made Easy” podcast and the creator of several successful online courses. Porterfield’s practical strategies and actionable tips have empowered thousands of entrepreneurs to grow their businesses online effectively.

10. Mari Smith: Mari Smith is a widely recognized social media thought leader, often referred to as the “Queen of Facebook.” She’s a keynote speaker, author, and Facebook marketing expert, known for her insights into social media trends and strategies. Smith’s comprehensive approach to social media marketing has helped businesses of all sizes harness the power of platforms like Facebook for growth and engagement.

11. Jeff Bullas: Jeff Bullas is a digital marketing influencer, blogger, and speaker, renowned for his expertise in content marketing and social media strategy. His blog is one of the top marketing blogs globally, offering practical tips and insights for marketers. Bullas’s focus on creating compelling content and building a strong online presence has helped businesses increase their visibility and drive meaningful engagement.

12. Joe Pulizzi: Joe Pulizzi is a content marketing evangelist and the founder of Content Marketing Institute (CMI), the leading education and training organization for content marketing. He’s the author of several best-selling books, including “Content Inc.” and “Epic Content Marketing.” Pulizzi’s advocacy for strategic content creation and audience-focused marketing has revolutionized how businesses approach content to drive sustainable growth.

13. Brian Dean: Brian Dean is an SEO expert and the founder of Backlinko, a popular SEO blog known for its actionable advice and in-depth guides. His expertise in link building and on-page optimization has helped countless websites rank higher in search engine results. Dean’s data-driven approach to SEO and his knack for simplifying complex concepts have earned him a loyal following among marketers and business owners.

14. Kim Garst: Kim Garst is a social media marketing strategist, speaker, and author, known for her expertise in leveraging social platforms for business growth. She’s the CEO of KG Enterprises and the author of “Will the Real You Please Stand Up.” Garst’s practical tips and strategies for social media marketing have empowered entrepreneurs to build authentic connections with their audience and drive meaningful results.

15. Pam Moore: Pam Moore, also known as “Pam Marketing Nut,” is a leading social media and digital marketing consultant, speaker, and author. She’s the CEO of Marketing Nutz, a digital marketing and social media agency, and the host of the “Social Zoom Factor” podcast. Moore’s focus on building brand authority and humanizing digital interactions has helped businesses create impactful online experiences and drive sustainable growth.

16. Ryan Deiss: Ryan Deiss is a digital marketing expert and the co-founder and CEO of DigitalMarketer, a premier online community and training platform for digital marketing professionals. He’s a sought-after speaker and the author of several best-selling books, including “Digital Marketing for Dummies.” Deiss’s expertise in marketing strategy and customer acquisition has helped businesses worldwide achieve scalable growth in the digital age.

17. Shama Hyder: Shama Hyder is a visionary entrepreneur and digital marketing expert, known for her expertise in digital strategy and influencer marketing. She’s the CEO of Zen Media, a leading digital marketing agency, and the best-selling author of “The Zen of Social Media Marketing.” Hyder’s innovative approach to digital marketing has helped brands establish meaningful connections with their audience and drive measurable results.

18. Dharmesh Shah: Dharmesh Shah is the co-founder and CTO of HubSpot, a leading inbound marketing and sales software company. He’s a prolific blogger, speaker, and author, known for his expertise in inbound marketing and startup growth. Shah’s insights into building scalable marketing strategies and fostering customer-centric cultures have made him a respected thought leader in the industry.

19. Guy Kawasaki: Guy Kawasaki is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, author, and marketing evangelist, known for his role at Apple as the chief evangelist. He’s the author of several best-selling books, including “The Art of the Start” and “Enchantment.” Kawasaki’s insights into product evangelism and startup success have inspired entrepreneurs worldwide to create innovative products and build loyal communities.

20. Bhavik Sarkhedi: Bhavik Sarkhedi is a notable digital marketing expert, author, and entrepreneur, known for his expertise in content marketing and branding. He’s the founder of Write Right, a content writing agency, and the author of several books, including “The Weak Point Dealer” and “The Unproposed Guy” Sarkhedi’s creative approach to storytelling and content creation has helped businesses establish a strong online presence and connect with their audience effectively.

To illuminate the path to SEO success, we’ve gathered insights from some of the most influential minds in the field.

From case studies to expert tips, this comprehensive guide delves into the strategies and wisdom of top SEO experts.

1. Case Studies and Success Stories

Neil Patel: Renowned for his data-driven approach, Neil Patel has left an indelible mark on the SEO landscape.

One of his standout success stories involves a B2B software company that saw a staggering 300% increase in organic traffic within six months of implementing Neil’s recommendations.

By focusing on long-tail keywords and optimizing site architecture, Neil helped the company dominate search engine rankings and drive qualified leads.

Rand Fishkin: As the co-founder of Moz and SparkToro, Rand Fishkin is celebrated for his expertise in SEO and inbound marketing.

One notable case study revolves around a local business struggling to gain visibility online.

Through a comprehensive SEO audit and targeted content strategy, Rand helped the business achieve a 200% increase in organic traffic and a significant boost in local search rankings.

By leveraging the power of local citations and user-generated content, Rand demonstrated the transformative potential of strategic SEO tactics.

Avinash Kaushik: As Google’s Digital Marketing Evangelist, Avinash Kaushik is a leading authority on web analytics and digital marketing strategy.

In a compelling case study, Avinash highlights the success of a global e-commerce retailer that revolutionized its SEO approach. By integrating advanced analytics and predictive modeling, Avinash guided the retailer in identifying untapped keyword opportunities and optimizing conversion funnels. The result?

A 150% increase in organic search revenue and a substantial rise in customer engagement metrics.

Brian Dean: Founder of Backlinko, Brian Dean is revered for his expertise in link building and on-page optimization.

His top tip for SEO success?

Focus on creating high-quality, user-centric content that naturally attracts backlinks and social shares. By prioritizing relevance and value, Brian emphasizes the importance of earning links organically, rather than resorting to manipulative tactics.

Mari Smith: Known as the “Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is a leading authority on social media marketing and personal branding.

Her advice for maximizing SEO impact on social platforms?

Leverage the power of visual storytelling and user-generated content to drive engagement and build brand authority. By fostering genuine connections and providing value to followers, Mari emphasizes the role of social signals in enhancing overall SEO performance.

Pam Moore: CEO of Marketing Nutz, Pam Moore is a digital marketing consultant and keynote speaker known for her expertise in social media strategy.

Her key insight for SEO success in the age of digital disruption? Prioritize user experience and mobile optimization to adapt to shifting consumer behaviors.

By creating seamless, mobile-friendly experiences, Pam underscores the importance of meeting user expectations and enhancing search visibility across devices.

Shama Hyder: Founder and CEO of Zen Media, Shama Hyder is a visionary entrepreneur and digital marketing expert. Her advice for staying ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of SEO?

Embrace innovation and experimentation to uncover new opportunities for growth.

By adopting a growth mindset and continually testing new strategies, Shama highlights the importance of adaptability and agility in driving sustainable SEO results.

Dharmesh Shah: Co-founder and CTO of HubSpot, Dharmesh Shah is a thought leader in inbound marketing and startup growth.

His key takeaway for aspiring SEO professionals? Invest in ongoing education and skill development to keep pace with industry trends and technological advancements. By staying curious and continuously learning, Dharmesh emphasizes the importance of staying ahead of the curve in the dynamic world of SEO.

Bhavik Sarkhedi: Renowned for his prowess in content marketing and branding, Bhavik Sarkhedi has carved a niche for himself in the digital landscape.

His unique perspective on storytelling and content creation has earned him acclaim as a leading authority in the field.

Sarkhedi’s key insight for SEO success revolves around the power of authentic storytelling to captivate audiences and drive engagement.

By crafting compelling narratives that resonate with readers on a visceral level, Sarkhedi emphasizes the importance of forging emotional connections and building brand loyalty.

Drawing from his experience as the founder of Write Right, a prominent content writing agency, Sarkhedi advocates for a holistic approach to SEO that prioritizes user experience and brand authenticity. His mantra? Content is king, but context is queen.

By aligning content strategy with the needs and desires of target audiences, Sarkhedi demonstrates how brands can differentiate themselves in a crowded digital landscape and stand out amidst the noise.

His advice for aspiring marketers? Dare to be different.

Bhavik Sarkhedi in The New York Times

By pushing the boundaries of creativity and thinking outside the box, Sarkhedi encourages marketers to break free from conventional wisdom and embrace bold, unconventional strategies that leave a lasting impression on audiences.

In essence, Bhavik Sarkhedi’s contributions to the world of SEO underscore the importance of storytelling, creativity, and authenticity in building meaningful connections with audiences and driving sustainable business growth.

As businesses navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, Sarkhedi’s insights serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path to SEO success through the power of storytelling and brand storytelling.

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Bhavik Sarkhedi | Personal Branding Consultant

Personal Branding Consultant | Digital Marketer | SEO Writer | 2000+ Stories | Founder of Write Right, Taletel & Dad of Ad |